City Slickers

Photo above: City Slickers III. Wind River area, Wyoming. Son Matt, Brother Dave, Son John Paul, Me J.P.

Small Talk

SMALL TALK: View the story of the air rifle that doubled the size of the United States. Fantastic bit of 2nd Amendment history re: Lewis and Clark.

See at:

Spot Gold

Sunday, October 30, 2011

A Galaxy Far, Far Away

M-74 (Messier 74)(NGC 628) In Pisces. R.A. 01 36 41.8  Dec +15 47 01. Grand Design Spiral with an estimated 100 billion stars. About 32 Million Light Years distant.

October 29, 2011.  LX200 GPS, Meade DSI Pro II, Anteres f/5 focal reducer. Urban setting with neighborhood light pollution. Seeing good. Transparency excellent. 100 frames at 1minute each, unguided. Envisage capture. Fits, capture every composite image, Drizzle 640, Gain 100% Offset 85%, auto contrast, dark subtracted. Processed in Envisage Drizzle standard. Stacked image opened in NASA Fits Liberator, then final processing in Photoshop 7. Selective sharpening with High Pass Filter Mask.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful , keep them coming!